ICJ Hearing: Just one more thing for Israel to ignore?

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

The recent International Court of Justice (ICJ) proceedings against Israel have highlighted their malicious and repeated breaching of international law. South Africa has filed an application, contending that Israel's actions toward Palestinians in Gaza, following the attacks in October 2023, demonstrate clear genocidal intent.

Picture: International Court of Justice

With over 23,000 Palestinians killed and an additional 10,000 missing, coupled with dehumanising rhetoric and the invocation of Amalek (a genocidal tale in the Hebrew Bible), it is impossible to entertain the innocence of the Israeli Government any longer.

South Africa's application urges the ICJ to order "provisional measures" to halt military attacks, which constitute violations of the Genocide Convention. The outcome of the hearing remains uncertain, but the proceedings signify an international recognition of Israel’s atrocities.

Will South Africa Prevail Against Israel?

Professor Francis Boyle, an expert human rights lawyer, stated during an interview with Leading Britain's Conversation (LBC) that South Africa has “presented an airtight case against Israel''. According to his interpretation of the court documents and proceedings, he believes that South Africa “will win an order of provisional protection against Israel”. In practical terms, this means that Israel will have to cease and desist any acts of genocide as determined by the ICJ.

Pictured: UN General Assembly

So, what happens if South Africa actually prevails?

Israel has a notorious reputation for disregarding criticisms from the United Nations (UN), making the likelihood of the Israeli Government changing its genocidal tactics slim to none. If Israel chooses not to comply, South Africa can take the matter to the UN Security Council to enforce compliance. However, this motion will likely face resistance in the form of a veto vote (the power to stop an official action) from the United States or the United Kingdom. South Africa could then bring the matter to the UN General Assembly, invoking the Uniting for Peace Resolution, which would apply more pressure against Israel to cease their actions.

As the ICJ scrutinises Israel it is evident the world has woken up to Israel’s malicious intent, giving a sense of hope for a peaceful resolution. Yet, Israel's history of not complying with the UN and international law creates doubt of any real possibility to the end of the Palestinian struggle.


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